Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Sunny Day!

Finally! The weather has gotten warmer and the several feet of snow have melted! I'm so excited for spring! Anyways, I'm sorry for the not so great quality of these pictures; I had to take them myself, but I wanted to get a start on this blog and share my first outfit. It's not super exciting, but I love this blouse I found so I had to get started today!
I love the lace at the neckline! 

Like I said, not great photo quality...

So this is me! I'm definitely new to this blogging thing so I'm just using the simplest techniques for now, but I hope to get some better knowledge eventually!

Outfit details: Blouse, thrifted $1 / J Brand Deal jeans $20 / Shoes, thrifted $2 / Belt, boyfriend's

Friday, February 19, 2010

On hold until Spring!

Okay, okay. This winter weather is still bumming me out, and there seems to be no end to it. I have never seen this much snow in my entire life. I would love to say that I have some awesome winter outfits, but I only have a few that I really love. Also, I haven't had too much time to take pictures, or any place to take them because of this snow. So, I'm going to put this blog on hold until the weather warms up a little. Forties or fifties will do, just not this freezing, snow up to my waist weather. I have soooo many spring and summer outfits planned already (what else is there to do while it's snowing outside, and I'm stuck inside?), and I can't wait to wear and share them!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

slow start!

I really, really want to get started on this blog, but the weather is endless cold & snow. I really dislike the cold, and I am just plain tired of it at this point. Also, there is that tiny thing called school, with the tests and papers, which take up too much time. Enough with the complaining though! I promise to get something up here soon! I just got three pairs of vintage Ferragamos at the thrift store that I cannot wait to post!! Hopefully this horrible weather clears soon, and I will feel slightly more motivated! Hope to post soon!

Friday, January 22, 2010


So, this being my first post, I will introduce myself. I'm Erin, a 20 year old college student from Pennsylvania. I love fashion. I do most of my shopping at thrift stores, Ebay, and other affordable places to buy clothes. I mostly love finding unique things and vintage items, because it seems that usually everything that is old is new again. After finding and reading numerous style blogs, I decided to try my hand at it. I would love to have a place that I can share my style and some of my vintage/ thrift store finds with other people who enjoy fashion as much as I do.